I think the other ghosts were being too harsh with the poor Jerry, why his single presence would...
I think the other ghosts were being too harsh with the poor Jerry, why his single presence would...
I liked this game a lot. It's the type of game we love to hate: something like "I won't play this anymore!... well, just one more try" hahaha
The only thing I didn't like, and the big one, was the controls. Aiming with the mouse where the direction comes from a character in movement like in this game is hard. I mean not in a good way. You have to shoot towards here, and quickly shift the aim to shoot there - but as the character travels on the screen and get passed on your mouse cursor, your'e not aiming anymore where you intended before, resulting in failure. And when the big challenge of the game becomes fighting against a punitive control scheme, that "anti rage-quit replay factor" vanishes. In fact, I gave up on the "Mastery" level.
One good alternative that I saw in other games with this mechanics - directional propulsion coming from character - is fixed direction control. Maybe some button that when pressed locks the character in aiming mode. Maybe even keep the mouse, but making the gun point to where in the screen the mouse is, not directly at the mouse cursor.
I could give a great example of a game that uses this mechanic and a nice way to implement, but since it's a mid-game upgrade, I don't want to spoil.
Overall, nicely done.
I only missed the Criti-Cola. And the game also needs a button to make Bob do something. xD
(but seriously, reference speaking, I would save the name "Marathon" for the last level *wink* )
I managed to win after some pratice.
I saw some complaints about the camera and I was about to join the bandwagon, until I got the trick: the camera moves to give us the ahead picture! Always the next race oficials, the next corners, and it moves down to show what's ahead on the big straight before the finish line. After I realize this, along with memorizing the track and with the tip about getting behing the officials backs when they're now looking, I was able to get a huge ahead just by cutting the track. So I think the camera work is just very good.
And by this same reason the start speed can be as it is - if you start faster, the game can be unbalancedly easy with the track cutting.
The concept is good, funny and challenging. I failed a lot of times but instead of become frustrated and wanting to abandon the game, I was compelled to try again and beat it. Good games cause this feeling. Good job! =)
Good game, kinda expected the ending. Sad, but good.
Not too long, not too short, and challenging.
And this style is so cute! The scenery and the blob character bouncing, with the calm and funny music.
Can't find a flaw on this game. Well done.
I didn't. I couldn't.
Nice puzzle game, challenging, fun, kept me entertained for the while I played.
The only complaining I have: it makes less sense than it should. I'm stuck outside my own house and it have a lot of weird mechanical systems a la Resident Evil 1 that I even have no idea about it and have to figure out?
Maybe these mechanics would fit better in some secret lab setting, even in a RE spoof.
Still, great game =)
Controls should be more tight. Seems like the cat is being move by applying forces, he/she's been accelerated. This makes a slippery cat. Sometimes I jump on a block and I fall on the other side cause the cat is deaccelerating, others I don't reach the block and fall cause I'm afraid of accelerate too much. Maybe you could try with other ways of moving the cat instead of applying forces. Or even using forces, but reducing the time between 0 and max speed for moving and max speed to 0 for stopping. This could make the movement more tight.
Other than this, the concept is awesome. Platform blocks that can be stepped only once. It's an ability platformer and a puzzle at the same time. Great idea. I wish I had it hahaha.
Good job!
This game is awesome! Also, I have a good computer so I played fullscreen with no lag.
I know you made this for a gamejam and it means no time for extra features, but I really wish it has
an option to replay days, so we can see what could happen if we made different decisions, like the one when the woman says the guy to come murdered her son, but his file is clean. I trusted the file and sent him to good place, and on the balance, a note said "you let him in". I don't want to replay all the game to day six to know what would happen if I trusted the woman and sent him to Satan's lap.
But I understand you can let the feature monster talk to you during a gamejam =)
Damn, I cannot make a game like this in a gamejam!
Good job, standing applause.
Made me smile ^^
Age 45, Male
Joined on 1/25/10